Rubber Room


Aug 12, 2006

Listen, I don't care how good this Ace person is, was or has been over the course of the NFL season to date, but any capper who throws $2500.00 on one of the worst, if not the worst team in the NFL is full of crap and is nothing more than a tout in my opinion. Years ago, and some of you may attest to this, I used to throw money away in two phases: #1 call the touts and get their picks for a fee; #2 bet on the picks they sold me which turned out to be losers. The key here is that I recall each and every huge selection they offered (usually had two a week, maybe three), were teams taken from the cellar group of the NFL, meaning teams that basically had no chance to keep up with their opponent. However you were paying for them, so you trusted the selections each and every time you paid for them. Why would Ace choose to say he's throwing $2500.00 on a pathetic lot like the Texans? The amount he posts is an amount big enough to lure others online to follow along and that's the bottom line. Why wouldn't he say he's throwing his wad on a team like the Bears or Broncos or Colts for that matter? It's very simple in that these are the elite teams of the league and they do have an opportunity to cover each and every Sunday. Ace has developed his personality through endless online writeups and in doing so has magnetized many of the readers into believing his selections are solid. All 'touts' are the same, only some prefer to do business online and others through the newspaper ads and phone numbers. In all cases, their biggest picks carrying the most money wagered are on teams resting in the lower category of talent in the NFL. As for you Ace, you have done a good job, particularly using a handle as an x-bookie, but in all reality, you are full of shit and simply an other 'tout' when it comes to the gambling industry. Unfortunately most will resent this post and that's their business, but for the few that read into it and believe the points I made, good for them as one or even two are ones you can't take money from and that was my purpose. Enjoy the rest of your day Ace (Tout). :pucking:

Oct 16, 2004
Hey Howdy , Why Don't You Tell Us How You Really Feel? When You Have Something To Contribute We Will Listen Until Then, Shut The Fuck Up And Get A Life

New member
Jun 24, 2006
Howdy Doody said:

Listen, I don't care how good this Ace person is, was or has been over the course of the NFL season to date, but any capper who throws $2500.00 on one of the worst, if not the worst team in the NFL is full of crap and is nothing more than a tout in my opinion. Years ago, and some of you may attest to this, I used to throw money away in two phases: #1 call the touts and get their picks for a fee; #2 bet on the picks they sold me which turned out to be losers. The key here is that I recall each and every huge selection they offered (usually had two a week, maybe three), were teams taken from the cellar group of the NFL, meaning teams that basically had no chance to keep up with their opponent. However you were paying for them, so you trusted the selections each and every time you paid for them. Why would Ace choose to say he's throwing $2500.00 on a pathetic lot like the Texans? The amount he posts is an amount big enough to lure others online to follow along and that's the bottom line. Why wouldn't he say he's throwing his wad on a team like the Bears or Broncos or Colts for that matter? It's very simple in that these are the elite teams of the league and they do have an opportunity to cover each and every Sunday. Ace has developed his personality through endless online writeups and in doing so has magnetized many of the readers into believing his selections are solid. All 'touts' are the same, only some prefer to do business online and others through the newspaper ads and phone numbers. In all cases, their biggest picks carrying the most money wagered are on teams resting in the lower category of talent in the NFL. As for you Ace, you have done a good job, particularly using a handle as an x-bookie, but in all reality, you are full of shit and simply an other 'tout' when it comes to the gambling industry. Unfortunately most will resent this post and that's their business, but for the few that read into it and believe the points I made, good for them as one or even two are ones you can't take money from and that was my purpose. Enjoy the rest of your day Ace (Tout). :pucking:

lol, seriously? You are a fucking moron.

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